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Political Parties are using our council as their training camp. Pandering to their political masters in Spring Street, sprouting state & federal agendas that have no relevance in local council, have no benefit to residents & costs our community dearly. They are ruthless in pursuing their own political careers & care for little else. OUR…
Point scoring political councillors supported by cycling activists & anti-car council bureaucracy are hell bent on eradicating cars & parking from our streets, attacking our freedom. Despite around 87% of residents using cars most politically aligned Councillors voted in favour of the ill-conceived “pop-up” bike lanes, going against community wishes. Much of this dangerous infrastructure…
Historic Council vote for rates relief
Council made history by voting to provide financial relief for all ratepayers and businesses in response to cost-of-living pressures at a special Council meeting in June 2023. Rates revenue will increase rates by 2.8% instead of the 3.5% maximum allowed rates cap from 1 July. We understand Port Phillip may have been the only Council…
Council Group Thinking Becoming Nauseating
by Rod Mitchell | 9 March 2024 Recently Campbell Spence wrote an article on What is Woke in response to a recent open question by a Councillor on the Cook Statue debate. The woke concept of dividing by race, gender and sexuality as opposed to the commonality that unites us, all also seeks an extension…
Council to adopt a more balanced approach to bicycle lanes:
By Josh Szental | 23 February 2024 I am a resident in St Kilda East, and I oppose Council’s proposal to construct a separated bicycle lane on Inkerman Street between St Kilda Rd and Hotham St with the removal of 116 car parks (option A). I spoke at Council on 21 February 2024 in relation…
Queens Lane Residents Demand Action
Queens Lane divides two rows of high rise apartment buildings wedged between Fawkner Park and Albert Park Lake in the City of Port Phillip. The residents enjoy spectacular views and a vibrant inner city lifestyle, but in recent times they have become increasingly concerned and frustrated with the consequences of poorly managed developments and the…
Can’t Manage FOGO Bins? CoPP Has the Solution!
FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) bins are becoming more popular as a waste management solution due to their environmental benefits, such as reducing landfill waste and producing compost for agriculture and gardening. However, some residents and ratepayers of Port Phillip may encounter issues such as increased odours and pests if the bins are not…
Updated Rates Calculator 2023 – Compare your Rates with Neighbouring Councils
Have you ever wondered how Port Phillip rates compare with neighbouring Councils such as Bayside, Stonnington or Glen Eira? Here is your chance to find out with our newly updated 2023 Calculator.
Rates to Rise
At Council’s meeting of 23rd June, Crs Bond, Clark, Pearl and Sirakoff raised a motion to freeze rates. Unfortunately, Crs Baxter, Copsey, Crawford, Cunsolo and Martin did not support this motion. This is at a time Council is forecasting a $14 million operating surplus, an additional $2.3 million of rates revenue from new properties, and…
RoPP Budget Submission
RoPP’s latest budget submission raises substantive and long running concerns that we have argued for years about high council rates.This document details where RoPP believes council can rationalise its services and infrastructure project costs without reducing the level of service delivered to ratepayers in those areas which are the responsibility of local government. Download Budget…
8 September update: See below the updated chart for 2020-21 Port Phillip rates compared to…
Read More >Councillors Baxter & Copsey voted against upgrading the Advanced Waste Processing & Sorting of Kerbside…
Read More >Major Melbourne councils have been slammed as “out of touch” for spending more than half…
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