Over the Previous 4 years, the majority of Councillors in Port Phillip council have been endorsed and supported by political parties, which have their own agendas and biases. This has led to a situation where councillors have voted together in blocs against the best interests of residents and ratepayers and not for the greater good of our community.

We Say local council should be independent from the influence of State and Federal political parties. Ratepayers of Port Phillip want to support candidates who will represent the interests of ratepayers and residents of Port Phillip first and foremost. We would like our beautiful and unique environment to flourish at every level both for residents and visitors and be the jewel in the crown of all Victorian Councils.

We believe that our community is better served by candidates who are selected by the community, not preselected by political parties and ideologies and who live in and are in touch with the people within their wards and understand their unique differences and needs.

We believe that council has not had community focused leadership from the previous politically aligned councillors. There has been a disproportionate ballooning in council staff numbers, outsourcing to consultants, inefficiencies and a culture of arrogance and contempt towards ratepayers and residents. We believe that Council has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure ratepayers and residents get the best value for money and that there should be accountability in how and where money is spent. RoPP endorse councillors that are independent from political parties and agendas and want to represent the best interests of all residents, ratepayers and businesses of the City of Port Phillip.

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