How much would your rates be if you lived in one of our neighbouring Councils such as Bayside, Stonnington or Glen Eira? Here is your chance to find out the real truth. Just enter your property value into the calculator and find out.
Property rates calculator
2021-22 Residential rates comparison
Port Phillip | Stonnington | Glen Eira | Bayside | |
Rates | ||||
Charges: | $0 | $ | $ | $ |
Total: | ||||
Percentage difference between Port Phillip and other councils |
Are you surprised? Council have been telling us for years that Port Phillip rates are comparable with other municipalities but here is your proof. We are paying excessive rates; we get poor value for money and they are growing massively every year and are not sustainable. We are paying more and getting less. Our neighbours pay less rates and get green and food waste bins and free parking permits, as shown in the table below.
Service | Port Phillip | Stonnington | Glen Eira | Bayside |
Kerbside Waste services | ||||
· Landfill bin | 120L weekly | 120L weekly | 120L weekly | 140L weekly |
· Green bin | No | Fortnightly optional* | Fortnightly | Fortnightly |
· Food bin | No | Fortnightly optional* | Fortnightly optional* | Fortnightly optional* |
Residential Parking Permits for eligible properties | $84 each | Two free | One free | Four free |
* $98 per year
Council set to raise rates again in 2021-22 Budget!
Council have just published their Draft 2021-22 Budget for community consultation. If you are concerned about Council’s plan to increase rates yet again and you have not already done so, please contact the following Councillors and ask them to not to increase rates in the 2021-22 Budget when they vote on the motion on 23rd
June. Cr Baxter – 0466 495 250
Cr Copsey – 0466 478 949
Mayor Crawford – 0466 514 643
Cr Cunsolo – 0466 227 014
Cr Martin – 0435 390 821
Only four Councillors have publicly stated they support a rates freeze. They are:
Cr Bond – 0481 034 028
Cr Clarke – 0435 098 738
Cr Pearl – 0466 448 272
Cr Sirakoff – 0435 419 930

What else should you know?
We believe Council must become more efficient in delivering services to our community. We are told by Council that a rate freeze means services must be cut but we say Council does not need to prepare reports that nobody wants or reads. Writing a report that is 200 or 300 pages long that nobody reads is not a service. If Councillors vote in favour of a rate freeze then the CEO and his team will need to identify efficiencies rather than cut services. Port Phillip Council denies there is a rate problem in Port Phillip, but ratepayers are only painfully aware they are paying twice, three or more times the rates paid for properties of similar value in neighbouring Councils. Council uses average rates to benchmark Port Phillip to other Councils, but average rates are misleading and deceptive because we have a much higher ratio of units / apartments to houses and that skews to average towards a lower number. Refer:
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