2021 is time for a rate freeze!

We hope you are well and are positive about 2021 after a difficult 2020. Following the recent election, Port Phillip Council has commenced developing its Council Plan for the next 4 years and the 2021-22 Budget. If ratepayers ever have a chance of freezing rates it is now.

Several RoPP members are attending community engagement workshops to help shape the Council plan and we were surprised to see there is no mention in council’s strategic directions that rates should be affordable and sustainable. We pay some of the largest rates in Victoria.

Council has denied there is a rate problem in Port Phillip, but ratepayers are only painfully aware they are paying twice, three or more times the rates paid for properties of similar value in neighbouring Councils. Council have used average rates to benchmark Port Phillip to other Councils. However, average rates are misleading and deceptive to use because we have a much higher ratio of units / apartments to houses than neighbouring Councils and we are the most densely populated municipality in Victoria. Refer: https://ropp.org.au/fact-check-how-high-are-port-phillip-rates-compared-to-neighbouring-councils/

RoPP were successful in getting two RoPP endorsed Councillors elected as a result of disgruntled ratepayers who object to paying massive rates. Our own research shows that ratepayers believe they are getting poor value for money for their rates. We don’t even have free parking permits and green waste bins that are provided by other Councils.

We are advocating for a rate freeze in 2021-22 because of the following:

1) rates were excessive pre-COVID.

2) impact of the pandemic on income and jobs.

The economic shock from the COVID-19 pandemic hit Port Phillip hard in 2020, with local community spending plunging and a decline in the September quarter’s GRP (Gross Regional Product) of 14 per cent across the municipality, exceeding the state-wide fall of 11%.

Council should reduce rates or freeze rates without impacting services by stopping the wasteful spending on services that should be provided by State or Commonwealth governments or do not benefit the residents and ratepayers in Port Phillip. We want Council to focus on the greater good for the citizens of Port Phillip rather than vested interests that currently dominate Council’s agendas. We want transparent and competent financial management to deliver efficiently the services the community expects. We want Council to deliver services to the community and not spend money on report writing and expensive consultants. Council must look after ratepayers and traders who are experiencing real hardship during the current economic emergency caused by COVID.

What can you do to get a rate freeze?

Not all Councillors want a rate freeze, but you may be able to influence them to freeze rates by emailing them or speaking to them or speaking at Council meetings. You can send emails to the following addresses:

Canal Ward

0466 495 250

0435 098 738

0466 514 643

Gateway Ward

0466 227 014

0435 390 821

0466 448 272

Lake Ward

0481 034 028

0466 478 949

0435 419 930

Tell us what matters to you and have your say?

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